Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Truth About Change

(just Random moment)

I’ve been thinking, times have really changed. I feel so old saying it – but it is the truth.

My Top Three Noted Changes:

We have become so dependent on technology! Oh trust me I am not complaining, it’s the greatest thing that could happen… yet the worst!
There was a time when there were no search engines to type in a topic of interest… humans – we were the engines. I remember when I had to crack open an encyclopedia to find answers that I needed. REAL LIGIT RESEARCH! No Google! It’s funny ~ a tad bit sad, our children will not know life with out it!

What ever happen to safety? I am not sure about your neighborhood, but the heartbeat of mine has defiantly skipped several beats. I cannot recall the last time that I saw people sitting on the step relaxing or jumping double-dutch when it is not a block party (which aren’t what they used to be). What’s up with that?

The one thing that I cannot stand… when elders criticize “babies having babies.” This is something that was rare as I was growing up, but now it seems like it’s more rare when you don't have a baby on your hip right along with your purse. The clowns of shows like Teen Mom make young parents look terrible. Here’s the thing… hecka babes are in my life because of “babies having babies” and I cannot imagine my life with out my little ones!!!

So as the world goes round… time passes… things change…

Life is too short to complain about the changes, you can ignore them, embrace them, or never think twice about them. Change is going to come, with or without our consent, and that’s the truth!

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