Monday, May 16, 2011

I’m a Workaholic!!!

So today is my first day off in the past week. I must admit it feels good, but as I sit here I only keep wondering how the floor-set turned out and look forward to going in tomorrow to see it and sell the new merchandise!

Other than that, all i could seem to do is THINK about previous "jobs" and the ones - THE ONE to come... Since my internship at Anthropologie (UO Headquarters @ the Navy Yard) I have not found a company that I love that much!!! Oh how I yearn to get back in the game… trust me – I will!

The people were super nice! 

No dress code – at all! 

Dogs were ALL OVER THE CAMPUS (including in the buildings - excluding the caf)!!! 

Did I mention that the work did not seem like work… yet business was getting done! That's the best kind of job and until I reach my final destination, that's where I aspire to be J

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