Monday, May 16, 2011

I’m a Workaholic!!!

So today is my first day off in the past week. I must admit it feels good, but as I sit here I only keep wondering how the floor-set turned out and look forward to going in tomorrow to see it and sell the new merchandise!

Other than that, all i could seem to do is THINK about previous "jobs" and the ones - THE ONE to come... Since my internship at Anthropologie (UO Headquarters @ the Navy Yard) I have not found a company that I love that much!!! Oh how I yearn to get back in the game… trust me – I will!

The people were super nice! 

No dress code – at all! 

Dogs were ALL OVER THE CAMPUS (including in the buildings - excluding the caf)!!! 

Did I mention that the work did not seem like work… yet business was getting done! That's the best kind of job and until I reach my final destination, that's where I aspire to be J

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Google Puts Time In!!!

If I ever own my very own company ~ I want it to be ran like Google!

- Do they every sleep?
- They never stop amazing me with creativity...
- EVERYONE knows who / what they are!!!

Martha Graham is most notable for being a famous American dancer and choreographer and the foremost pioneer of modern dance & Google is celebrating her birthday!!!

click: to see it move... (5.11.11 only)

The Truth About Change

(just Random moment)

I’ve been thinking, times have really changed. I feel so old saying it – but it is the truth.

My Top Three Noted Changes:

We have become so dependent on technology! Oh trust me I am not complaining, it’s the greatest thing that could happen… yet the worst!
There was a time when there were no search engines to type in a topic of interest… humans – we were the engines. I remember when I had to crack open an encyclopedia to find answers that I needed. REAL LIGIT RESEARCH! No Google! It’s funny ~ a tad bit sad, our children will not know life with out it!

What ever happen to safety? I am not sure about your neighborhood, but the heartbeat of mine has defiantly skipped several beats. I cannot recall the last time that I saw people sitting on the step relaxing or jumping double-dutch when it is not a block party (which aren’t what they used to be). What’s up with that?

The one thing that I cannot stand… when elders criticize “babies having babies.” This is something that was rare as I was growing up, but now it seems like it’s more rare when you don't have a baby on your hip right along with your purse. The clowns of shows like Teen Mom make young parents look terrible. Here’s the thing… hecka babes are in my life because of “babies having babies” and I cannot imagine my life with out my little ones!!!

So as the world goes round… time passes… things change…

Life is too short to complain about the changes, you can ignore them, embrace them, or never think twice about them. Change is going to come, with or without our consent, and that’s the truth!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Where are the Scissors?

It's a shock to many people when someone chops off all of their hair! 

From the average Joe to celebrities, 

it is sometimes hard to believe - you gotta just see it. 

Well here are the results of my Drastic Change(<<<click) ...


I am Obsessed!

If you know anything about me, or follow my tumblr, you would know that I am obsessed with how Google updates their logo incorporating a picture represented the significance of the date. Well I thought that I found my favorite when they celebrated the 119th Anniversary of the First Documented Ice Cream Sundae on April 3, 2011…

Trust me it still is!!! But today’s took a lot of work. Google celebrates the 76th birthday of Charles Roger Hargreaves the author and illustrator of the Mr. Men and Little Miss series… who said Google is just a search engine?  I applaud their artistic team!!!

Mr. Bump

Little Miss Chatterbox

Little Miss Curious

Mr. Dizzy

Mr. Forgetful

Mr. Funny

Mr. Happy

Little Miss Magic

Mr. Messy

Little Miss Naughty

Little Miss Shy

Mr. Slow

Little Miss Sunshine

Mr. Tickle

Little Miss Tiny

Mr. Rush

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I Will Always Love My Mama

To the mommy of four, Bubbe of four, mother figure to many, one of my best friends…

I was born January 25, 1992 at 3:40 am. It was a perfect labor for my mommy shot out like a cannon in ten minutes! From the day I was born I did not give her much trouble J or at least I tried...

Attitude – she corrected it.
Vanity – she did not condone it. 

She molded those things into positive energy. She taught me – gave me genetically – strength and confidence plus a little sass. You see my mom is the strongest woman I know. Everyone says my mom is the ___________est woman on earth. I’m not just saying that – it is the truth! She has endured so much and will not allow anything especially anyone to hold her back! She is amazing. The greatest support system that I did not know I needed. From the beginning she allowed me to explore and make my own mistakes and being right beside me one step ahead of me the entire way… supporting me the whole way through. Not to mention all of the laughs and advice I have received along the way. I could never imagine my life without her. 

here's to us ChickenHead <3
Our Top Five Hits...

Change ~ Lisa Stansfield
I was always told I loved this song as a baby... I don't remember it though.

You Gotta Be ~ Des'ree
love. love. love...

The Perfect Fan ~ Backstreet Boys
Please excuse them for saying son... but it's one me & mama dukes fav!!!

There's Hope ~ India Arie 
The whole cd has us in the zone - but if we had to choose one...

F***ing Perfect ~ Pink
Check mom out introducing me to this song!!!

Love ya Mommy!!! You are the bestest EVER!!!

*no pictures - mom hates her pics on the web J

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Trending Topic: Osama Bin Laden

(written on - Monday, May 2,2011) Because of finals and wrapping up the year I have neglected to post this saved document I am sorry. Please forgive me…

So I’m thinking, what the heck is going on in the world!!! 

My heart goes out to the families of the fallen of 9/11. It was a tragic day. I remember vividly sitting in room 309, my 4th grade classroom taught by Mrs. Hill. She paused her lesson in mid point to the announcement of a possible early dismissal over the loud speaker. The principle ordered that we not be alarmed, and our safety was assured. As we listened in to the radio, she explained to us what was going on and we had a discussion on site! For the most part we just wanted to know why, but I just couldn't understand. I grew sad, nervous, and scared. I thought that war was going to take place everywhere in the United States and no one was safe and there would never be shelter. There was no crowd after our early dismissal so I grew more anxious. The worst I could do was WATCH THE NEWS!!! Sitting in front of the television in the living room I watched as two extremely tall, and obviously important buildings were targeted and destroyed (The Twin Towers), a chunk another missing (The Pentagon), and hearing Pennsylvania mentioned for yet another plane crash in a open field that was headed to Washington, DC. This was a tough pill to swallow being only nine years old!

9/11- Twin Towers

9/11- Pentagon

9/11- Somerset County, PA

Today – well yesterday – May 1, 2011 Osama Bin Laden has been announced . The mastermind behind all of the terror, the cause of my confusion, life was ended. I sat in my bed, on the computer, and watching Liar, Liar, and my Twitter news feed began to flow with Osama Bin Laden as the trending topic. Movie – off / News – on & new tab directed to CNN.COM. We all know what happened – it’s no point of me telling what happened Google it if you don't know…

My Thoughts…

1. Why does it take a death of the enemy for our country – the United States of America – to unite? America is that family that never meets except for funerals. The energy that the US has because of the death of Bin Laden should be channeled to daily and consistently.

Americans unite surrounding the White House

2. What will happen next? Yes, we took out the mastermind of terror, one who was wanted for years, but what is to come? I am praying for my country, this world more than ever now. I cannot imagine what his followers might have up their sleeves – but I pray that the strength and determination of our current leader, President Obama has frightened them so strongly that they will not revolt but will seize every wrong doing.

Breaking news: The man himself...

3. So…many were criticizing Obama that he was not doing his job right? Right! Slap in your face - he knew since August what his major move was going to be and was simply waiting for the confirmation to give the okay. My question is, Is this history repeating it’s self? All of America is now on our president’s side, but how long will it last… If you can recall, after 9/11 a vast majority of America was on Bush’s side that is why he got reelected. I pray that this does not happen to Obama, praise him this term, crucify him the next. (Please do not confuse my words I do not view him as Jesus – I am just making a reference.)

~ I must say – even though that it is a time to celebrate that the lives of our fallen solider did not go in vain…

“There is nothing wrong/extreme about caring when the original intent of our involvement in a war has been accomplished.  All political debate aside, at least now those who enlisted up to 10 years ago, in response to 9/11, and lost their lives along the way didn't do so in vain.  Many Americans have died for the purpose of trying to capture/kill this one man.” - Kevin Irwin

…something – this situation is not sitting well in my heart, stomach even.  Lovelies, I wish I could tell you what it is, but I would love to know my self! The truth shall reveal it’s self in time, but for now let us –

That's it!!! I wish not say let us celebrate or rejoice over a DEATH – a life ended! This is a two wrongs don't make a right moment to the EXTREME!!! But we Americans can say, the classic response…

“Revenge feels (sinfully) good!”

Monday, May 2, 2011

May 1st is Now History

I shall share my thoughts in the sunshine hours - until then I will leave you with the May 1st Prayer that i found on the web: 

" Now I lay me down to less terrorist this world does keep...with all my heart I give my those in uniform regardless of serve our country and serve it well...with humble hearts your stories as I rest my weary eyes...while freedom rings our flag stil give your all, do what you must...with God we live and God we trust.... Amen "
