Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Oh Lax Bros!

- from my tumblr 04.01.11... 
I have a new found love. You see my campus has two new residents. These new additions are different from the rest of us. They are helpless, harmless and 100% innocent! Our new friends are two lovely geese on campus, ‘tis the season! I first noticed one on a rainy day; he was sitting ever so contently, enjoying the rain as mush as I do. I fell in love – yes, a goose stole my heart.

I was always an animal lover. For my family, I believe that it is hereditary. I treat animals with absolute respect, for they deserve it; they are living beings as well as humans. I was shocked when one of the geese came after me while the other was resting. I was simply walking by, and we always had such peaceful encounters. I figured that he was protecting his mate, because she has substantially grown over the time she has been staying with us; I thought that he was being territorial of is family and the ground that they have claimed. I soon discovered that he was not being territorial at all, but he had established a strong defense mechanism. The reason why: I must tell you that the Lax Bros on my campus do not agree with the same philosophy that flows through my soul. One day this week, after their practice or a game (I have no clue), a group of them found it entertaining to torture one of the geese with their sticks… fun right? No! After seeing and hearing my disgust, along with a friend of mine, they decided to stop, but continued to laugh as if it were a joke!

Incase you all were wondering, animal cruelty does not make you look cool, tough, or significant! As a matter of fact it proves your many insecurities, shows that you are extremely immature, and makes everyone question your existence and civil individuals are disgusted that you are given the privilege to breathing the same air that they do.
Oh Lax Bros*… it would be a pleasure for you to attempt to act civil and leave the geese alone!!! The vass majority of student population may start to think you all as an unit actually have a brain!
 *-I apologize because I am sure it was not the entire team, but remember that you all represent each other… if you don’t like it, tell your “bros” to STOP!!!

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